It's as true today and somehow just as divisive as it has been at any other point in history and within every other culture, tribe and system of belief. Character matters.
As a creative our word(s) and actions build bridges in three simultaneous directions:
Within ourselves. Being an artist of sound character offers clarity of mind, humility in heart and confidence in action.
Alongside our audience. Creatives - honest, aware, inviting and accepting artists intentionally and naturally foster a deep and engaged tribe.
Among business partners. No one wants to work with a liar, a cheat, someone willing to throw the other under the bus when things get rough or when they don't get what they want.
Character - professional, moral, ethical character matters. It matters when no one is watching and it matters when the book is published, the album is released or the project is fully funded and underway.
But it divides too. When we aren't living honestly we're internally divided in heart, soul, mind and body. When we're living two-faced or without a solid foundation in truth and grace, we divide and exclude our audience. When we're void of character we split up healthy business relationships and success, reputation and pursuits dwindle and fail.
Q. How are you growing in character today?
Q. How are you holding yourself accountable? Who have you invited in to hold you accountable? To ask hard questions? To challenge your motives, words and actions?
Character matters. Are you building or dividing and destroying?