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It's Out There. You Do Have A Choice.

Writer's picture: R.J DysonR.J Dyson

What are your options and opportunities to move forward, risk, leap or simply baby step it up that hill, right here and right now?

Write them down. Options in one column. Opportunities in the other.

Opportunities are favorable openings with a realistic chance for moving in a particular direction. Applying for an available position. Presentation of your work for consideration. Possible opening in that agents, editors or managers schedule. Potential financial, time or resource shift for greater investment.

Options are similar but with more clarity. Options are those opportunities that have become directly available and offered to you. And you are free to choose which direction you want to go and immediately act.

Opportunities are possibilities.

Options are availabilities.

Obstacles are big and small roadblocks to engaging your opportunities and options.

And if you are sitting in any free market / free republic space, regardless of your personal circumstances, ethnicity, skin color, faith, belief, worldview, financial status, vocation, family structure - well - you have opportunities or options or most likely both. And those struggles, negative self beliefs and obstacles, whether persons, places or things, yeah, be prepared to graciously and boldly work through, in and around these in the healthiest, most patient yet persistent way possible.

There is no dead end that can't be reassessed, recalculated, redeemed and reclaimed. Today. Write them down, evaluate, pray and act. Today.


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